
Welcome to the Katy Music Teachers official blog site.

FiddleOutlined-colorFor more detailed information about how to contact our teachers or for information on our various events and recitals, please click on the links above or visit KatyMusicTeachers.org to find a list of all active KMTA music teachers, along with events, recitals and more.

8 Responses to Home

  1. Kenny Beck says:

    Hi everybody!

    Kenny B

  2. Dhana says:

    Hi, My daughter is learning piano past 3 years ,so we decided to do the grade -1 exam now, could you please guide us for that ,where to register and syllabus for that.
    Thanks in advance.

    • dianalopez57 says:

      Ms. Bala,
      I am so glad to hear your daughter is interested in taking her piano skills to the next level! I just need some more information from you. Are you asking about the Texas Music Teachers Association’s Theory Exam? If so, your piano teacher should have that information. Your piano teacher should be a member of TMTA and the local chapter, Katy Music Teacher’s Association (KMTA). If he/she is then he/she will have all the information.
      If you are asking about another exam please clarify and I will get you that information as soon as possible. Thank you!

      Diana Lopez
      Secretary, Katy Music Teacher’s Association

  3. Marie Thompson says:

    Do you know of anywhere in Katy that has a baby grand piano that I could host a flute recital for my daughter please? It does not need to be a huge venue. She is a Junior in High School and her private tutor feels the need for her to play more regularly in front of an audience to prepare her for college auditions. Many thanks. Marie Thompson

    • dianalopez57 says:

      Ms. Thompson,
      As an association, we use a few local churches as venues for our recitals. You might try calling some of the local churches. As far as I know, there are no specific venues in Katy. You may also ask your daughter’s school if she could hold her recital there. I know that Katy ISD has some wonderful Performing Arts facilities. If you have any more questions, please feel free to call me: 956-239-4523. Thank you!

      Diana Lopez
      Secretary for KMTA

  4. Marie Thompson says:

    Thankyou for your ideas!

  5. rmetla says:

    I am looking for a music teacher for my 6 year old kid who is very much interested to learn vocals. Please let me know more details on how to enrol him in the lessons?

    Thank you

  6. dianalopez57 says:

    If you go to our website at http://www.katymusicteachers.org you will see on the left side of the page a tab that says “teachers”. Click on that and a list of all the Katy Music Teachers Association teachers will come up. On that list it indicates which ones are vocal teachers and it will give you their website or an email where you can contact them. We have some excellent vocal teachers in our group. Thank you for contacting us.
    Diana Lopez

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